Help bring us together to make music together in person!
A campaign to bring healthy air and efficient heating and cooling to provide a healthy atmosphere for generations to come.

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A campaign to bring healthy air and efficient heating and cooling to provide a healthy atmosphere for generations to come.
Bringing Us Together at 8 South Park Street
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March, we were able to pivot to a virtual learning experience in order to protect the health of our community and to help people stay connected through music during difficult times. Virtual programming has had silver linings, but there has been no substitute for the deep learning that takes place when students and faculty are together, sharing the resonance of acoustic sound without the interruptions of the internet. In order to continue UVMC’s mission, it is essential that we be able to bring people together to make music.
We have a unique opportunity to bring people together again in a way that is safe for families and faculty, that also addresses a long-term facility need and allows us to be good stewards of the environment. Our biggest barrier to returning to in-person activities is the lack of ventilation in our historic home. In addition, UVMC’s current heating and cooling system is 40-50 years old and nearing the end of its operational life. The current oil-based system is inefficient, ineffective and lacks humidity control, which presents dangers for UVMC’s eight pianos.
By installing a new heating, cooling and humidification system now, we can provide filtered, fresh air to every studio, avoid the disruption of our current system failing, gain energy efficiency, and allow for a future connection to renewable energy sources.